Valentina personifies the feminine allure of the BI BOLD collection. A geometric asymmetry focuses on the tuft, an important detail that makes this cut incredibly versatile. A minimal chic style rendered more sophisticated thanks to a thousand shades of red.
Step by step
- Separate the hair from ear to ear, passing over the top. Divide the upper part with a horizontal section passing over the occipital bone. Cut the rear panel in a vertical line at a 90° angle
- Cut the other section previously created in a rounded vertical line
- Divide the two temporal areas and connect them with the rear area in a vertical line at a 90° angle
- Cut the top area at a 45° angle using the top guide lock as reference
- Color the roots with Colorevo 6.4 + Colorevo oxy 20 vol, 1:1 + thePIGMENTS Copper, 30:1
- Separate the hair from ear to ear passing over the top. Create a triangle on the natural parting line and bleach with Decolorvit Art + Decolorvit Active use 20 vol, 1:2
- Create diagonal sections in all the area previously separated and color alternating Colorevo 6.4 + Colorevo oxy 20 vol, 1:1 +
thePIGMENTS Copper, 20:1 and Decolorvit Art + Decolorvit Active use 20 vol, 1:2 - Tone the bleached parts using ONcare color block mask + thePIGMENTS Copper, 20:3