
The volume and the romanticism of the classic lines turn into unique chromatic shades. Soft colors like satin, clear and bright to illuminate the magnetic gaze of the Selective Professional woman.

Step by step


  1. Part the rear of the head into an X shape. Blend in the temporal zone following the shape of the skull. Inside the X (the lower part) define the length of the perimeter. Once the perimeter has been defined, use the vertical technique to gently round off the length obtained, directing hair above the central line.
  2. In the middle area outside the X (the temporal area), use the horizontal technique to gradually cut from the longest length following the parting line. Elevate all the hair in parallel horizontal sections to the guideline created.
  3. In the area outside the X (the upper part), use the vertical technique to blend in the hair at a rounded angle, as far as the highest part of the head. Using parallel vertical lines, direct all the sections to the central guideline. Continue in the upper part of the head, blending it in at a right angle, as far as the front and elevate all the hair in parallel horizontal sections to the central guide. Personalize the style using the slide cut technique.


  1. Make a cross-shaped parting on top of the head. Create a triangle starting beyond the occipital bone, with the tips ending in the two temporal zones; then create a smaller triangle under the occipital bone ending at the hairline at the back of the head.
  2. Colour the part outside the triangle area using COLOREVO 9.1 + COLOREVO OXY 30vol 1:1.
  3. Start to work the first half of the triangle using the weave intensity technique. Divide into large sunburst rays and colour: upper weave using COLOREVO 9.1 + COLOREVO OXY 30vol 1:1; lower weave using Decolorvit Plus + Decolorvit Active Use 30vol. Subsequently, tone this part using COLOREVO Satin + COLOREVO OXY 20vol.
  4. Work the opposite part of the triangle using the same technique.


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